No one really knows where the Tarot came from. Some speculate it originated in Egypt and was handed down from Thoth the Atlantean. We do know that around 1430 in Italy the playing cards were changed. 22 Pictorial cards were added know as the Major Arcana. These cards weren’t just for anybody, back then they were for high society families that would commission an artist to paint them with the portraits of the family members.
Working Parts
The Tarot is connected to the Kabbalah and the tree of life, and the Hebrew alphabet. Each one of the Major Arcana cards is connected to a letter in the Hebrew alphabet. There are ten Sephiroth in the tree of life the 22 connecting paths is where the Major Arcana fall into place. This is known as the fools journey. To gain even more depth the Tarot is also connected to astrology with the houses and decans and signs of the zodiac. It is also tied to astronomy and the 7 planets visible to the naked eye.
It doesn’t end there however, the four suits and some of the Major Arcana are related to the four basic elements. Wands correspond to Fire, Cups to water, Swords to air, and Pentacles to earth. Last but not least numerology. Each number of the pip cards corresponds to a number on the tree of life’s ten paths. We then integrate all of this information into a method that’s easy to interpret known as a spread. A spread is what is used after a question as be carefully worded to interpret the message.
What is a spread?
Spreads are an arrangement of cards where each card is given a specific position. Each position in the spread is assigned a particular meaning and a card falling into that position has a specific interpretation. There are very in depth spreads that can take over an hour to read but full of information. The opening of the key spread is a favourite of mine because of how much information I can give to my clients about a major situation going on or overall about their life. There are one cards spreads, two card spreads but most commonly you see three card spreads.
The three card spread are very popular because of how many different ways you can interpret the cards. There is past, present, and future, situation, option A, option B. Mind, body, and spirit, foundation, problem, advice, Situation, action, outcome. You, other person, relationship. The list goes on. You can get together with your preferred reader and make a custom spread that suits your topic and needs. There are a few other spreads that are very popular here are some examples, The Cross Spread, The Celtic Spread, The Horse Shoe Spread, The Horoscope Wheel, The Ankh. There is a spread for just about anything, even a pet spread to better understand your pets needs and wishes or what they need more or less of.
Uses for Tarot
The Tarot became a tool for divination. The origin of the word breaks down to divine. In latin the meaning is to be divinely inspired. In todays modern age the Tarot has many uses from personal development, spiritual growth, divination, meditation, self awareness, to even coaching. The Tarot can show us what potential outcome we can expect for any given decision. It can helps see our shadow self, shining its light in the areas of our life we need to see to understand.
How I use Tarot
I use Tarot to see what energy centres need work. What is affecting my ability to get past a certain obstacle. It helps with making difficult decisions. It gives insight as to the potential outcome of a situation. This isn’t set in stone so do not fear what answers you might receive during a reading. Your ability to choose changes the outcome every time you make a decision. However if you choose not to change anything the most likely outcome will be the one the Tarot predicted. The Tarot has received a bad wrap and now in this modern area we live in its starting to be seen for what it really is. It is a positive tool for gaining sight into all aspects of your life, from love and relationships to work and career.
How to ask a question
A thoughtful open-ended question is a prerequisite for obtaining a useful reading from the cards. Tarot overtime has evolved into a tool to tap one’s intuition, to understand one’s motivations, gain insight, and help us brainstorm when making a difficult decision. The way a question is asked will clarify issues as well as allow you to take responsibility for your life. Below are some examples of questions best suited for tarot.
- What do I need to know about this situation to make a wise decision?
- Are there any issues I should pay special attention to?
- What might I be ignoring?
- What actions can I take to ensure a favourable outcome?
- What obstacles do I need to confront to achieve my goals?
- What role do I play in this situation?
- How might I be working against my own best interest?
- What do I need to know right now?
- What am I not seeing Clearly?
- How can I improve my situation?
- What steps do I need to take?
If you’re interested in a reading please book a reading. For those of you in the U.S. please keep in mind that there is a 6-9 hour time difference. Price varies depending on the nature of your question and the spread used if you want something tailored to your needs please fill in the request form and I will get back to you with a quote. If you would prefer a phone call please leave your phone number in the text area. You can also book your reading at Facebook.com/chreikihealing
- Thoth Opening of the key spread $300 CHF (all five operations)
- Thoth 15 Card spread $85 CHF
- Celtic Cross spread $75 CHF
- 6-8 card spreads $65 CHF
- 4-6 card spread $45 CHF
- 3 Card spread $35 CHF plus
- Pendulum Questions 2 for $5 CHF