Showing 19 Result(s)

Unveiling the Power of Shadow Work: A Spiritual Journey Within

In the vast realm of spiritual healing and personal growth, one concept that stands out is “Shadow Work.” It’s not just a buzzword in the spiritual community; it’s a transformative practice that holds the key to understanding our deepest selves. In this article, we’ll dive deep into the realm of shadow work, exploring why it’s …

Embracing your inner child

Embracing Your Inner Child: Healing the Wounds of the Past

Embracing your inner child is something that is entirely overlooked now a days. Within each of us lies an innocent, vulnerable part of our psyche—the inner child. The inner child embodies our early years’ wonder, curiosity, and love. However life’s challenges can wound and withdraw it as we age. Understanding and healing our inner child …

emotional healing

The Power of Emotional Healing

In our fast-paced and demanding world, it’s easy to overlook the importance of emotional healing. Yet, our emotions play a significant role in shaping our overall well-being and quality of life. Whether we’ve experienced trauma, loss, heartbreak, or simply the daily challenges of life, taking the time to heal emotionally is essential for personal growth …

Recalling your energy before you go to bed.

Recalling your energy before you go to bed.

Recalling your energy before you go to bed. In today’s fast-paced world, it’s important to take care of yourself and ensure that you’re able to recharge your batteries before you start another day. Shutting down properly before going to bed is a great way to ensure that you wake up feeling refreshed and energized. In …

Check Your Baggage

A new year is within sight. Before embarking on the new road ahead make sure you check your baggage. Its time to release and let go of anything that you didn’t like from this past year. There is an old saying “out with the old, in with the new”. This is something I also take …

The People You Meet On Your Spiritual Journey

The people you meet on your spiritual journey are there to help you grow. They might be there to reflect something about yourself that you need to be aware of. Each of them have a different purpose for joining you on your journey. There’s a saying that goes “when the student is ready the teacher …

Grounding techniques to recharge

Grounding Techniques To Recharge

In this blog post I’ll be covering grounding techniques to recharge. Some of you might not be familiar with grounding. Grounding is also know as earthing, and is a way to connect your energy with the earth. These techniques are simple, yet very powerful and have been proven to improve your overall health. Grounding and …

Time Management

Time management is something most of us never really think about. Well, maybe those who have jobs/careers with deadlines. Outside of work and family how are you spending your time? Time is the only commodity you can’t get back once it’s gone! Time is like a currency and how you spend it should be an …


Self Love

The definition of self love is a state of appreciation for yourself that grows from actions that support our mind, body, and spirit. Self love is very crucial. Yet so many of us neglect it. Lack of self love can lead to serious health conditions, mentally and physically. Self love starts with practice. Mindfulness is …

psychic attack

Psychic Attack

Let’s start off with the signs that you might be under a psychic attack. These are some of the indicators that you might be experiencing a psychic attack. Usually it’s because someone is jealous or envious of your success. When you form a connection with someone they can influence your energy field. These psychic attacks …